Following the release of Counter-Strike 2, many of the smokes that players knew and relied upon for years in CS:GO have now been changed, and that's left them a little stuck when trying to execute onto bomb sites.
A fan-favourite map, Inferno is one of the most played maps in the competitive map pool. While there aren't too many smokes to learn, without them, you have a way worse chance of entering a bombsite.
Don't worry, though, because we are CS2 experts, and we'll have you learning all the necessary smokes for Inferno in no time.
Although going towards A avoids the peril of Banana, you do still have to navigate the close corridors of the Apartments and survive the bloodbath that can be Brackets.
To give yourself the best chance of survival in Brackets, you should learn the best Long and Short smokes on Inferno in CS2.
To smoke Short, first come to this spot in between Mid, Second Mid, and Apartments.
Then, turn around and look up to this antenna. To throw the smoke, just left-click.
To smoke Long you want to go further back into Second Mid and find this corner.
To throw the smoke aim just above the roof of this building and jump throw.
These two smokes are two of the best smokes to know on Inferno in CS2. Combine them with a Molotov onto whichever side you didn't smoke off, and consider Brackets to be under your control.
Next, let's move on to how you progress from there.
When executing onto the A site, particularly through Short, it's hard to find success without having Moto smoked. Without the smoke, AWPers will easily be able to pick you off from Library.
To smoke off Moto, stand in Mid in the location shown below.
Then, aim on the archway as shown and jump throw.
The Moto smoke is one of the best smokes on Inferno in CS2, but what if you instead want to push A from the Long side?
Wrapping to A through Long requires two extra smokes, one for Arch and one for Library. Let's start with Arch.
To smoke Arch, first stand at this point in Second Mid near the Balcony.
Then, look above the balcony and jump throw.
While Arch is the less important of these two smokes as it can be thrown while pushing around Long, be aware that smoking it before pushing will prevent an enemy AWPer from being able to hold the angle or swing you while you're executing.
The Library smoke is thrown from the same place, but you instead aim lower and still jump throw.
Now that you have all the best Inferno smokes to take the A site in CS2, let's move on to the B site.
When executing on B there are only two smokes you need to know: Coffin and CT. Let's start with CT.
One thing to note about Inferno CT smokes in CS2 is that the best ones will also cover the boost position, which wasn't possible in CS:GO.
To smoke CT, first come to this part of Banana.
Then, look up just left of the corner of Church and left-click throw.
Moving onto Coffin, need to move further forward into Banana as shown:
Then, aim above the scaffolding at this strip of lights and left-click throw.
Combine that with a couple of flashes and a Molotov for New Box, and now you know the best way to execute onto B on Inferno in CS2.
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