Valve released Patch 7.38b a few weeks ago to address the overpowered heroes in Patch 7.38. However, this approach also allowed certain other heroes to become overpowered in this meta.
While we've seen the popularity of flex picks rise in the recent patches, this trend has declined in the current meta. In patch 7.38b, the best heroes are the ones that can do the defined task for their specific role, especially the offlane heroes.
Let’s take a quick look at the best offlane heroes in the patch 7.38b.
Magnus was reworked in Patch 7.38, gaining two new Facets alongside some much-needed buffs. Among them, Eternal Empowerment has quickly risen in popularity, as it grants Magnus a permanent Empower buff on himself.
As a result, he became a top-tier pick. However, in Patch 7.38b, this Facet was nerfed. Surprisingly, though, Magnus remains extremely viable. That said, the new patch also introduced several heroes that counter him effectively, leading players to primarily play him in the offlane rather than as a flex pick. Still, in the right matchup, Magnus can occasionally be seen in other roles.
Even so, the offlane has always been Magnus’s home. Thanks to Eternal Empowerment, he now dominates the laning stage. As a Universal hero, he doesn’t have to worry about scaling, and with a Harpoon + Blink Dagger build, he can initiate skirmishes effortlessly.
With Eternal Empowerment, Magnus currently holds a 52.2% win rate as an offlaner and is one of the best offlane heroes in patch 7.38b.
You guessed it right – this annoying, black-horse-riding, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-cosplaying hero is still a viable offlaner. Despite his nerfs in Patch 7.38b, Abaddon remains one of the best offlane heroes in the meta.
His Mephitic Shroud Facet is still extremely strong. It allows his second ability, Aphotic Shield, to absorb more damage and reflect it instantly upon receiving rather than only exploding at the end. As a result, this Facet gives Abaddon an unprecedented laning stage.
Even though his itemisation leans toward greed, this Facet more than makes up for it. Despite the nerfs to Sange and Yasha, it remains Abaddon's best core item. When combined with Mephitic Shroud’s enhanced Aphotic Shield, he can soak up immense damage from his opponents.
Players often pick up Radiance on Abaddon as a farming and pushing tool. Currently, Mephitic Shroud boasts a 93.0% pick rate among Abaddon players, and the hero has a 52.3% win rate with this Facet. However, keep in mind that his win rate may soon decline, as two of his strongest counters—Ursa and Slark—are rising in the meta.
Will they still allow Abaddon to be one of the best offlane heroes in 7.38b? We’ll know soon.
Tidehunter has been a strong meta pick for some time, and his viability hasn’t faded in recent patches. However, his playstyle has evolved. Despite receiving nerfs in Patch 7.38b, Tidehunter remains one of the best offlane heroes, thanks to his Aghanim's Shard ability, Dead in the Water.
Additionally, Anchor Smash remains a powerful tool in the laning stage. Even after its nerfs, this ability still makes last-hitting difficult for opposing safelaners by reducing their damage output.
Tidehunter’s itemization has also changed in recent patches. Instead of rushing Blink Dagger for initiation, players now delay it thanks to his Krill Eater Facet. This Facet allows Tidehunter to grow larger and gain extra bonuses per level, making him tankier as the game progresses.
As a result, players now prioritize items like Vladimir’s Offering and Mage Slayer before picking up Blink Dagger. Even Aghanim’s Shard is often purchased before Blink. With this Facet, Tidehunter becomes an incredibly durable core, capable of soaking immense damage.
Though both of his Facets maintain win rates above 50%, Krill Eater is the more popular choice, boasting a 79.8% pick rate and a 52.8% win rate. That makes him one of the best offlane heroes in 7.38b.
Patch 7.38b has been settling in for a few weeks, but players are still discovering new ways to counter the meta. As a result, unsung heroes are getting their chance to shine. It will be interesting to see which heroes rise to prominence in the coming days and tournaments.
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