Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll have seen that Xyp9x has announced he will be transitioning to coaching and has joined MOUZ as their assistant coach.
An exciting move, he follows in the footsteps of his ELEAGUE Atlanta grand final opponents TaZ and NEO in doing so, and has already announced his intentions to become the "best coach in the world".
However, before Xyp9x the coach writes himself into the history books, we thought we'd take a look at the legend of Xyp9x the player.
A man who "defined a role himself", according to his former teammate Bubzkji, let's take a look at some of the legendary support player's best tournament wins, plays, and his incredible clutching ability.
When we asked Bubzkji what Xyp9x meant to Danish CS, his answer was short and sweet: "Everything." Bubzkji told BLAST.tv.
It's not hard to see why, either.
As part of TSM and Dignitas, Xyp9x was part of a team that struggled for a long time to find success.
Almost ever-present at Valve Majors in CS:GO, he is one of the very few players to ever win four, but winning one always seemed so close, yet so far, until that one night in Atlanta.
Xyp9x, integral to that Major victory over then-Polish Virtus.pro, would go on to win three more Majors, those three coming consecutively at FACEIT London 2018, IEM Katowice 2019, and StarLadder Berlin 2019.
During Astralis' golden era, he was also part of the team that won the inaugural Intel Grand Slam thanks to victories at Dreamhack Masters Marseilles 2018, ESL Pro League Season 7, IEM Chicago, and ESL Pro League Season 8.
From 2017 to 2019, he also placed inside HLTV's top twenty every year, something relatively unheard of for a player playing in the traditional 'support role'.
To put it short, Xyp9x's playing career was nothing short of incredible.
"He had a unique skill set, which was in many years unobtainable for other teams to find an equally important player," Bubzkji told BLAST.tv.
Although many teams have tried, very few teams could ever find a support player as strong as Xyp9x in the role that he so clearly defined.
In fact, it wasn't until Perfecto arrived on NAVI that anyone even came close to Xyp9x's definition of the role.
The freedom that allowed Astralis' stars to have was key to their success. He was a player comfortable in the backlines, preferring to allow device, Magisk, dupreeh, Kjaerbye, and even their IGL, gla1ve, to shine.
However, that isn't to say that Xyp9x didn't have his shining moments.
Also known as "the clutch minister", Xyp9x's ability in 1vX situations is the stuff of legend. He has an incredible 813 1vXs won on HLTV, including a 1v5 against Danish rivals North - but more on that later.
"He was extraordinarily calm in important situations. He would never stress and often had a plan B.
In his prime, I believe just the name scared many people in clutches, they would tab the scoreboard and see 'Xyp9x 1vs2' and then play it differently in order to counter him," Bubzkji told BLAST.tv.
As we mentioned earlier, Xyp9x was integral to Astralis picking up their first Major win at ELEAGUE Atlanta.
The score was 9-10 in favour of Astralis but the economy was dire. Already 1-0 down thanks to Virtus.pro opening the series with a map win, Xyp9x was left in a 1v3, but that meant very little to him.
With expert repositioning and some crisp aim, Xyp9x single-handedly halted the Virtus.plow in its tracks, giving Astralis the momentum to carry on and win the first CS:GO Major.
There are a number of other great clutches, but we thought it was best to ask Bubzkji for his favourite.
"For me, the one that stands out the most is the ninja defuse against North 1v4 on the 15-4 round. To do this against your former teammate Kjaerbye and rival team is just legendary," Bubzkji told BLAST.tv.
If you haven't gotten it by now, Xyp9x is a player who will never have an equal.
He was never a star, but his late-round abilities made you feel like he was. Always dependable and a master of anchoring B bombsites, his tips and tricks are still relevant today if you want to become a better player on the CT side.
No one will ever be able to recapture the mystique of Xyp9x, no one will ever be able to create as much fear just by being left alive in a round.
And as he enters his new chapter as a coach, that wisdom will be passed on to a new generation of players enriched by his greatness.
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