After sending out five Treasure Chests for free, Supercell, the developer behind Clash of Clans, has decided to gift us three more to celebrate the start of the Treasure Hunt event.
If you’re not familiar with this event, it’s all about collecting Treasure Chests by taking down buildings and defenses. To help kick things off, Clash of Clans often drops these free chests for players.
So, here’s a quick guide on how to claim your three Treasure Chests for free in Clash of Clans.
The process is pretty straightforward. Just follow these steps:
Now, keep in mind that these chests don’t guarantee any specific rarity. You’ll have to put in some work to see what you get.
The more you hammer away, the higher the chance you’ll reveal something rare, epic, or legendary. But sometimes, you might just end up with a common rarity, even after four hammering attempts.
Even if you fail it, grab it; you can always collect by getting a 100% win. Although you are capped to three treasure chests for two days, once you have them, there will be a buffer period of 48 hours.
Also, don’t expect that you can get unlimited chests in one match, as one match has a maximum of one Treasure Chest.
Don’t worry, collecting free Treasure Chests will not put you in a buffer period, as it is only meant for the ones that are collected through attacks.
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