With CS2 finally being here, we've seen many changes to the game, such as smokes, jump throw binds, and even how we can watch back our own demos.
An important tool for all CS2 players, knowing how to download and watch demos can be one of the most valuable assets in someone's arsenal for improving their own gameplay and learning new tricks.
Not just, that, but it also allows you to watch back that player you were certain was cheating, and that's always a good feeling.
A difficult tool to use in CS:GO, the demo viewer was often laggy and always slow, but that has been changed in CS2 with an all new demo viewer.
In this guide, we'll show you how to download and watch demos in CS2.
Learning from your own mistakes is a key part of improving at anything you do, and that's no different in Counter-Strike.
Through downloading and watching your own demos in CS2, you will be able to view back key rounds and see where you missed important pieces of information, or how you could have played a certain situation in a better way.
You could also choose to watch the demos of pro players, and see how they play the spots you play to try and learn new angles and tricks that they utilise within their gameplay.
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