When it comes to grinding to achieve a goal, the most important thing is to keep the faith and keep on pushing, a fact that Into the Breach’s CRUC1AL knows all too well.
“I always had faith in myself and I kept believing. If you keep trying, one day it will come and that day happened, so I'm happy.” CRUC1AL told BLAST.tv.
The AWPer has been around the UK scene for so long that despite not being officially part of the UK-core of ITB, fans consider him as one of their own when seeing him make his Major debut. An opinion CRUC1AL himself believes in, he said “ I kind of feel like I'm a bit of a part of that so I'm just happy the UK scene finally made it to a Major.”
ITB’s UK core might be the overarching narrative surrounding the team in the event, but it’s worth mentioning that the fact it’s with this organisation that a UK core has made it’s first Major is surprising.
Endpoint has always been the top dog within the UK scene, and up until February this year, it was also the organisation that CRUC1AL called home. A player heavily criticised for his performances in the run up to his eventual benching, it’s not hard to understand that there’s an element of success in his mind when it comes to appearing at a Major before his former team.
“At the end of Endpoint it wasn't really going that well as a team and the atmosphere didn't feel right so I guess they just wanted to make a change and that was me. I'm in the Major now, so I'm just happy.”
If his performances had previously been a figure of debate, that conversation surrounds him no more. While CYPHER, a player he said has the ability to be “owning everyone” was the star at the RMR, one of the more understated elements of that run to Legends Stage qualification was CRUC1AL’s own raised levels.
The confidence those performances would have instilled in him is probably something CRUC1AL has never experienced before in his long career, but when asked this, the Dutchman provides an answer that seems more fitting of a hardened Major veteran.
“I'm really confident. I'm always confident. If you're on the server, you always have to believe that you are the best, because otherwise there is no point in playing, you just always have to keep the confidence high and trust in yourself.”
While their opening match up didn’t go well against Apeks, things went from bad to worse as a loss elsewhere in the Legends Stage would pit them against FaZe in their 0-1 game. With CRUC1AL saying the most important thing is “to not tilt”, that’s exactly what they did, as the titans of FaZe Clan were taken down by Into the Breach in a victory no one could predict.
With most people expecting Into the Breach to depart Paris with an 0-3 record before this game, the thought is not even in their minds.
“The goal is to just make the Champions stage. I am not even thinking about 0-3, 1-1, 2-2, I just want to get to the Champions stage and that's it.”
The undeniable underdog of the BLAST.tv Paris Major, Into the Breach have done themselves proud just by earning their spot in Paris. A team that no one expects anything from, the underdog moniker is not one that will worry CRUC1AL during their time here.
“We were also the underdog at the RMR so we’ll just play our own game, enjoy some Counter-Strike and hopefully we can take some W's.”
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